Former Master and PhD Students
- Nihel
Kaboubi (PhD UGA 2023) with Loïc Letondeur and Thierry Coupaye (Orange) and Denis Trystram
- Distributed and collaborative AI
for the IoT in the Fog Computing Environment (Document)
- Now teacher at ECE (Engineering School)
- Matthieu
Stoffel (PhD UGA 2021) with F. Broquedis (Corse) and A. Mazouz (Bull/ATOS)
- Static and dynamic approaches for the
optimization of energy consumption in HPC applications (Document)
- Now HPC research engineer at Atos
- Georgios
Christodoulis (PhD UGA 2019) with Francois
Broquedis (Corse, LIG) and Olivier Muller (TIMA)
- Adaptation of FPGAs in an HPC runtime system (Document)
- Now Software Developer at Intracom
- Ye Xia (PhD UGA 2018) with T. Coupaye and X. Etchevers (Orange)
- Combining Heuristics for Optimizing and Scaling the Placement of IoT Applications in the Fog (Document)
- Now engineer at Amazon
- Pedro Silva (PhD ENS Lyon 2017) with C. Perez (Inria, Avalon team)
- On the mapping of distributed applications onto multiple Clouds
- Now Software Engineer at Oracle
- Thomas Goncalves (PhD UGA 2017) with JF Méhaut (UJF, Corse team) and Marc Perrache (CEA)
- Contributions à la parallélisation de méthodes de type "transport Monte Carlo"
- Jonathan Pastor (PhD EMN Nantes, 2016) with Adrien Lèbre (EMN Nantes, Ascola team)
- Contributions à la mise en place d'une infrastructure de Cloud Computing à large
échelle (Document)
- Now software engineer in Easyvirt in Nantes
- Sylvain Gault (PHD ENS Lyon, 2015) with Christian Perez (Inria, LIP ENS Lyon)
- Improving MapReduce Performance on Clusters (Document)
- Now junior researcher and data scientist at road-b-score
- George Markomanolis (PHD ENS Lyon, 2013) with
Frédéric Suter (CNRS, IN2P3 Lyon)
- Performance Evaluation and Prediction of Parallel Applications (Document)
- Now Principal Member Of Technical Staff at AMD
- Rafael Silva (PHD INSA
Lyon, 2013) with Tristan Glatard (CNRS, CREATIS)
- A science-gateway for workflow executions: online and non-clairvoyant self-healing of workflow executions on grids (Document)
- Now Computer Scientist in the
Collaborative Computing Group at the USC Information Sciences Institute
(University of Southern California, USA)
- Adrian Muresan (PHD ENS Lyon, 2012) with Eddy Caron (LIP)
- Scheduling and Deployment of Large
Scale Applications on Cloud Platforms (Document)
- Now R&D Lead at 3D Hubs, Netherland
- Ghislain Charrier (PHD ENS Lyon, 2010) with Yves Caniou.
- Scheduling and Dynamic Management of Applications over Grids (Document)
- Now Engineer at IPSIS
- Jean-Sébastien Gay with Yves Caniou.
- Cédric Tedeschi (PHD ENS Lyon, 2008) with Eddy Caron.
- Peer-to-Peer Prefix Tree for Large Scale Service Discovery (Document)
- Now assistant professor at Université Rennes 1 (Myriads INRIA research team)
- Gaël Le Mahec (PHD Univ. Clermont, 2008) with Vincent Breton.
- Gestion des bases de données biologiques sur grilles de calcul (Document)
- Now assistant professor in Amiens
- Raphaël Bolze (PHD ENS Lyon, 2008).
- Analyse et déploiement de solutions algorithmiques et logicielles pour des applications bioinformatiques à grande échelle sur la grille (Document)
- Now Infrastructure Project Manager at Sogeti, Grenoble
- Pushpinder Kaur Chouhan (PHD ENS Lyon, 2006) with Eddy Caron (ENS Lyon)
- Automatic Deployment for Application Service Provider Environments (Document)
- Now Senior Engineer at the Queen's
University Belfast
- Antoine Vernois (PHD ENS Lyon, 2006).
- Ordonnancement et réplication de données bioinformatiques dans un contexte de grille de calcul (Document)
- Now Freelance - Agile Software Craftsman.
- Martin Quinson
(PhD ENS Lyon, 2003) (HDR).
- Découverte automatique des caractéristiques et capacités d'une plate-forme de calcul distribué (Document)
- Professor at the ENS Rennes (Myriads INRIA research team).
- Frédéric Suter (PhD ENS Lyon, 2002) (HDR).
- Parallélisme mixte et prédiction de performances sur réseaux hétérogènes de machines parallèles (Document)
- Now Senior Researcher at CNRS (IN2P3)
- Olivier Rifault (MSc, ENS Lyon, 2002)
- Frédérique Chaussumier (PhD ENS Lyon, 2001) with Michel Loi (MS&I).
- Recouvrements des communications et des calculs: du matériel au logiciel (Document)
- Now IT Project Manager at SyncSing.
- Cyril Randriamaro (PhD, ENS Lyon, 2000) (LIP, ENS Lyon) with Yves Robert (LIP).
- Optimisation des redistributions et allocation dynamique, en parallélisme de données
- Now Directeur Général, Ubistorage
- Pierre Ramet (PhD, Univ. Bordeaux I, 2000) (LaBRI, Université Bordeaux I) with Jean Roman (LaBRI).
- Now assistant professor at Bordeaux University (Hiepacs INRIA research team).
- Fabrice Rastello (PhD, ENS Lyon, 2000), with Yves Robert (LIP), (HDR).
- Partitionnement: optimisations de compilation et algorithmique hétérogène (Document)
- Now Senior Researcher at INRIA
(Corse team@MINATEC leader and DSA)
- Laurent Bobelin (MSc, ENS Lyon, 1999).
- Tomographie depuis plusieurs sources vers de multiples destinations dans les réseaux de
grilles informatiques hautes performances (Document)
- Now postdoc at Laboratoire d'Informatique de
- Jacques-Alexandre Gerber (MSc, ENS Lyon, 1998).
- Now Co-Founder & COO at STOIC.
- Stéphane Domas (PhD, ENS Lyon, 1998) with Bernard Tourancheau (LIGIM).
- Contribution à l'écriture et à l'extension d'une bibliothèque d'algèbre linéaire parallèle (Document)
- Now assistant professor at University of Franche-Comté
- Bruno Jargot (MSc, ENS Lyon).
Now DBA Oracle Senior chez Steria
- Julien Zory (MSc ENS Lyon 1996, PhD
Ecole des Mines de Paris, 1999).
- Now Founder & President Orbisfy
- Pierre Garnier (MSc, ENSERB)
Frédéric Desprez