Past Projects
- National Projects
- Discovery project
- C2S@Exa, INRIA Large Scale Intiative "Computer and Computational Sciences at Exascale"
- e-Biothon Project Co-PI
- INRIA ADT Aladdin
- ANR MapReduce
- FUI OpenCloudWare
- ANR COOP (2010-12)
- AFM Decrypthon (2004-11) Co-PI
- ANR USS SimGrid (2009-11)
- ANR SPADES (2009-11)
- Projet Finovi PEACE (09-11)
- ANR Gwendia (2007-2010)
- Cluster région "Calcul Hautes Performances et Informatique Distribuée" (05-08), Co-PI
- ANR LEGO (05-08)
- Fédération Lyonnaise de Calcul Haute Performance (03-06)
- Ragtime (03-06)
- ARC INRIA Otaphe (01/05-01/07)
- ACI GRID TLSE (01/03-01/06), PI
- ACI MD GDS (09/03-09/06)
- ACI MD GDX (09/03-09/06)
- ACI GRID ASP (01/02-01/05), PI
- RNRT VTHD++ (01/02-12/04)
- ARC INRIA RedGrid (01/03-01/05), PI
- LHPC Laboratory: join laboratory with LIP and Matra (now EADS)
- Action Coopérative INRIA OURAGAN (01/98-12/00), PI
- RNRT VTHD (01/99-12/01)
- RNTL GASP (01/02-01/04), PI
- International Projects
- European project BonFire
- ERCIM Working Group CoreGRID
- European Network of Excellence Coregrid (09/04-11/08)
- NSF/INRIA project with the Department of Computer Science of the University of Tennessee (02-05), PI
- NSF/INRIA project with the Department of Computer Science of the University of California San Diego (02-05), PI
- NSF/INRIA project around Sparse matrices solvers (01-03)
- Equipe associée I-Arthur (02-05), PI
- KISTI/INRIA Project (06/03-06/05)
- European project EuroTOPS (6/93-10/98)
- European project TTN ProHPC (Technology Transfer Node)(03/97-09/99)
- Paralin (06/96-09/99)
Frédéric Desprez