booktitle={Cloud Computing and Services Science},
series={Communications in Computer and Information Science},
editor={Ivanov, Ivan. and Sinderen, Marten and Leymann, Frank and Shan, Tony},
title="{Adding Virtualization Capabilities to the Grid'5000 Testbed}",
publisher={Springer International Publishing},
keywords={Distributed Systems; Large-Scale Testbed; Virtualization; Cloud Computing; Experiments},
author={Balouek, Daniel and Carpen Marie, Alexandra and Charrier, Ghislain and Desprez, Frédéric and Jeannot, Emmanuel and Jeanvoine, Emmanuel and Lèbre, Adrien and Margery, David and Niclausse, Nicolas and Nussbaum, Lucas and Richard, Olivier and Perez, Christian and Quesnel, Flavien and Rohr, Cyril and Sarzyniec, Luc},

  author = 	 {Bard, N. and Bertis, V. and Bolze, R. and Desprez, F.},
  title = 	 {Desktop Grid Computing, Cerin, C., Feday, G. Eds},
  chapter = 	 "{A Volunteer Computing Platform Experience for Neuromuscular Diseases Problems}",
  publisher = 	 {Chapman & Hall/CRC},
  year = 	 2012,
  series = 	 {Chapman & Hall/CRC Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation Series},
  month = 	 MAY,
  pages = 	 {125-146},
  annote =	 {ISBN-10: 1439862141 ISBN-13: 978-1439862148}

 author = {Danelutto, Marco and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Getov, Vladimir and Ziegler, Wolfgang},
 title = {CoreGRID/ERCIM workshop on grids, clouds and p2p computing --- CGWS2011},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Parallel Processing},
 series = {Euro-Par'11},
 year = {2012},
 isbn = {978-3-642-29736-6},
 location = {Bordeaux, France},
 pages = {113--114},
 numpages = {2},
 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-29737-3_13},
 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-29737-3_13},
 acmid = {2238371},
 publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
 address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},

	Author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Rodero-Merino, Luis and Muresan, Adrian},
	Booktitle = {Cloud Computing: Methodology, Systems, and Applications},
	Chapter = {14},
	Editor = {Wang/Ranjan/Benatallah},
	Keywords = {Cloud},
	Note = {To appear},
	Publisher = {Taylor and Francis Group, LLC},
	Read = {Oui},
	Title = {Auto-scaling, load balancing and monitoring in commercial and open-source clouds},
	Year = {2011}}

    HAL_ID = {inria-00484902},
    URL = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00484902/en/},
    title = { {P}arallel {C}omputing: {F}rom {M}ulticores and {GPU}'s to {P}etascale. {P}roceedings of {P}ar{CO} 2009},
    author = {{C}hapman, {B}arbara and {D}esprez, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {J}oubert, {G}erhard and {L}ichnewsky, {A}lain and {P}eters, {F}rans and {P}riol, {T}hierry},
    abstract = {{T}his book series publishes research and development results on all aspects of parallel computing. {T}opics may include one or more of the following: high-speed computing architectures ({G}rids, clusters, {S}ervice {O}riented {A}rchitectures, etc.), network technology, performance measurement, system software, middleware, algorithm design, development tools, software engineering, services and applications.},
    keywords = {parallel computing;gpu;petaflop;multicore},
    language = {{A}nglais},
    affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {LIP} - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {\'E}cole normale sup{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon - {GRAAL} - {INRIA} {R}h{\^o}ne-{A}lpes / {LIP} {L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {INRIA} - {\'E}cole normale sup{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {L}aboratoire d'informatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {MYRIADS} - {INRIA} - {IRISA} - {INRIA} - {U}niversit{\'e} de {R}ennes {I} - {I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences {A}ppliqu{\'e}es de {R}ennes },
    publisher = {{IOS} {P}ress },
    pages = {739 },
    volume = {19 },
    editor = {{B}arbara {C}hapman and {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric {D}esprez and {G}erhard {R}. {J}oubert and {A}lain {L}ichnewsky and {F}rans {P}eters and {T}hierry {P}riol },
    series = {{A}dvances in {P}arallel {C}omputing },
    isbn = {978-1-60750-529-7 },
    year = {2010},

	Author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Petit, Franck and Tedeschi, C{\'e}dric},
	Chapter = {DLPT: A P2P tool for Service Discovery in Grid Computing},
	Editor = {Antonopoulos, Nick and Exarchakos, Georgios and Li, Maozhen and Liotta, Antonio},
	Keywords = {DLPT, P2P, Service discovery},
	Publisher = {IGI Global},
	Title = {Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications},
	Year = {2010},
        ISBN = {1-61520-686-8}, 
        ANNOTE = {\url{http://www.igi-global.com/reference/details.asp?ID=35584}}

 author =      {Casanova, Henri and Desprez, Fr\'ed\'eric and
                 Markomanolis, George S. and Suter, Fr\'ed\'eric},
 title =      {{Simulation of MPI Applications with Time-Independent Traces}},
 journal =      {Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience},
 year =      2015,
 month = Apr,
 volume = 27,
 number = 5,
 pages = {1145-1168}, 
 annote = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpe.3278/abstract}

  author = 	 {Ferreira da Silva, R. and Glatard, T. and Desprez, F.},
  title = 	 "{Self-healing of workflow activity incidents on distributed computing infrastructures}",
  journal = 	 {Future Generation Computer Systems},
  year = 	 {2013},
  OPTkey = 	 {},
  OPTvolume = 	 {},
  OPTnumber = 	 {},
  OPTpages = 	 {},
  OPTmonth = 	 {},
  note = 	 {\url{http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/book/978-3-642-38585-8}},
  OPTannote = 	 {}

author = {Antoniu, Gabriel and Costan, Alexandru and Bigot, Julien and Desprez, Frédéric
and Fedak, Gilles and Gault, Sylvain and Pérez, Christian and Simonet, Anthony
and Tang, Bing and Blanchet, Christophe and Terreux,
Raphael and Bougé, Luc and Briant, François and
Cappello, Franck and Keahey, Kate and Nicolae,
Bogdan and Suter, Frédéric},
title = {{Scalable Data Management for Map-Reduce-Based
Data-Intensive Applications: a View for Cloud and
Hybrid Infrastructures}},
journal = {International Journal of Cloud Computing},
year = 2013,
volume = 2,
number = {2-3},
pages = {150--170},
publisher = {Inderscience Publishers},
doi = {10.1504/IJCC.2013.055265}

  author = 	 {Rodero-Merino, L. and Caron, E. and Muresan, A. and Desprez, F.},
  title = 	 "{Using Clouds to Scale Grid Resources: An Economic Model}",
  journal = 	 {Future Generation Computer Systems},
  year = 	 2012,
  volume = 	 28,
  number = 4,
  pages = 	 {633-646},
  abstract = {Infrastructure as a Service clouds are a flexible and fast way to obtain
                  (virtual) resources as demand varies. Grids, on the other hand, are
                  middleware platforms able to combine resources from different
                  administrative domains for task execution. Clouds can be used by grids
                  as providers of devices such as virtual machines, so they only use the
                  resources they need. But this requires grids to be able to decide when
                  to allocate and release those resources. Here we introduce and analyze
                  by simulations an economic mechanism (a) to set resource prices and (b)
                  resolve when to scale resources depending on the users' demand. This
                  system has a strong emphasis on fairness, so no user hinders the
                  execution of other users' tasks by getting too many resources.

                  Our simulator is based on the well-known GridSim software for grid
                  simulation, which we expand to simulate infrastructure clouds. The
                  results show how the proposed system can successfully adapt the amount
                  of allocated resources to the demand, while at the same time ensuring
                  that resources are fairly shared among users.}

  abstract = {This paper surveys the risks brought by multitenancy in software platforms,
                  along with the most prominent solutions proposed to address them. A
                  multitenant platform hosts and executes software from several users
                  (tenants). The platform must ensure that no malicious or faulty code
                  from any tenant can interfere with the normal execution of other users'
                  code or with the platform itself. This security requirement is specially
                  relevant in Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) clouds. PaaS clouds offer an
                  execution environment based on some software platform. Unless PaaS
                  systems are deemed as safe environments users will be reluctant to trust
                  them to run any relevant application. This requires to take into account
                  how multitenancy is handled by the software platform used as the basis
                  of the PaaS offer. This survey focuses on two technologies that are or
                  will be the platform-of-choice in many PaaS clouds: Java and .NET. We
                  describe the security mechanisms they provide, study their limitations
                  as multitenant platforms and analyze the research works that try to
                  solve those limitations. We include in this analysis some standard
                  container technologies (such as Enterprise Java Beans) that can be used
                  to standardize the hosting environment of PaaS clouds. Also we include a
                  brief discussion of Operating Systems (OSs) traditional security
                  capacities and why OSs are unlikely to be chosen as the basis of PaaS
                  offers. Finally, we describe some research initiatives that reinforce
                  security by monitoring the execution of untrusted code, whose results
                  can be of interest in multitenant systems.  },
  author	= {Rodero-Merino, Luis and M. Vaquero, Luis and Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Muresan,
  journal	= {Computers \& Security},
  keywords	= {Security, Cloud, PaaS, Multitenancy, Container, Java, .NET},
  title		= {Building Safe PaaS Clouds: a Survey on Security in Multitenant Software Platforms},
  volume            = {31},
  pages              = {96-108},
  year		= {2012},
  url                  = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167404811001313}

  author	= {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Muresan,
  editor	= {Springer Netherlands},
  journal	= {Journal of Grid Computing},
  title		= {Forecasting for Cloud Computing On-Demand Resources Based
		  on Pattern Matching},
  year		= {2011},
  number = {9},
  volume = {1}, 
  pages = {49-64}

 Author = {Casanova, Henri and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Suter,
 Journal = {Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing},
 Title = {On Cluster Resource Allocation for Multiple Parallel Task
 Volume = 70,
 Number = 12,
 pages = {1193--1203},
 Month = Dec,
 Publisher = {Elsevier},
 Year = 2010

	Author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Muresan, Adrian and Rodero-Merino, Luis},
	Journal = {{ERCIM} News. Special Theme: "Cloud Computing Platforms, Software, and Applications" },
	Keywords = {DIET, Cloud Computing},
	Month = {October},
	Title = {Recent development in {DIET}: from {G}rid to {C}loud},
	Volume = {No. 83},
	Pages = {25-26},
	Url = {http://ercim-news.ercim.eu/en83/special/recent-developments-in-diet-from-grid-to-cloud},
	Year = {2010}}

author    = {Eddy Caron and
             Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric Desprez and
             Franck Petit and
             C{\'e}dric Tedeschi},
title     = {{Snap-Stabilizing Prefix Tree for Peer-to-Peer Systems}},
journal   = {Parallel Processing Letters},
volume    = {20},
number    = {1},
year      = {2010},
pages     = {15-30}

  author = 	 {Desprez, F. and Ibrahim, S. and Lebre, A. and Orgerie, A.-C. and Simonet, A.},
  title = 	 "{Energy-Aware Massively Distributed Cloud Facilities: The DISCOVERY Initiative}",
  booktitle = {International Conference on Data Science and Data Intensive Systems (DSDIS)},
  year = 	 2015,
  publisher = {IEEE},
  annote = 	 {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7396545}

 author = {da Silva, Rafael Ferreira and Juve, Gideon and Deelman, Ewa and Glatard, Tristan and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Thain, Douglas and Tovar, Benjamin and Livny, Miron},
 title = "{Toward Fine-grained Online Task Characteristics Estimation in Scientific Workflows}",
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science},
 series = {WORKS '13},
 year = {2013},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-2502-8},
 location = {Denver, Colorado},
 pages = {58--67},
 numpages = {10},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2534248.2534254},
 doi = {10.1145/2534248.2534254},
 acmid = {2534254},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {MAPE-K loop, online task estimation, scientific workflow, workflow characterization},

booktitle={Euro-Par 2013 Parallel Processing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Wolf, Felix and Mohr, Bernd and Mey, Dieter},
title={On-Line, Non-clairvoyant Optimization of Workflow Activity Granularity on Grids},
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Ferreira da Silva, Rafaël and Glatard, Tristan and Desprez, Frédéric},

booktitle={Euro-Par 2013 Parallel Processing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={Wolf, Felix and Mohr, Bernd and Mey, Dieter},
title={Workflow Fairness Control on Online and Non-clairvoyant Distributed Computing Platforms},
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Ferreira da Silva, Rafaël and Glatard, Tristan and Desprez, Frédéric},

@incollection {CDM+12,
   author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Frédéric and Muresan, Adrian and Suter, Frédéric},
   affiliation = {UMR CNRS - ENS Lyon - UCB Lyon 1 - INRIA 5668, 46, allée d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 7, France},
   title = {Budget Constrained Resource Allocation for Non-deterministic Workflows on an IaaS Cloud},
   booktitle = {Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing},
   series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   editor = {Xiang, Yang and Stojmenovic, Ivan and Apduhan, Bernady and Wang, Guojun and Nakano, Koji and Zomaya, Albert},
   publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
   isbn = {978-3-642-33077-3},
   keyword = {Computer Science},
   pages = {186-201},
   volume = {7439},
   url = {\url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33078-0_14}},
   year = {2012}

  author = 	 {Antoniu, G. and Bigot, J. and Blanchet, C. and Bougé, L. and Briant, F. and Cappello, F. and Costan, A. and Desprez, F. and Fedak, G. and Gault, S. and Keahey, K. and Nicolae, B. and Pérez, C. and Simonet, A. and Suter, F. and Tang, B. and Terreux, R.},
  title = 	 "{Towards Scalable Data Management for Map-Reduce-based Data-Intensive Applications on Cloud and Hybrid Infrastructures}",
  booktitle = {ICA CON},
  year = 	 2012,
  address = 	 {Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA}}

  author = 	 {Ferreira Da Silva, Rafael and Glatard, Tristan and Desprez, Frédéric},
  title = 	 "{Self-Healing of Operational Workflow Incidents on Distributed Computing Infrastructures}",
 booktitle = {International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid)},
  year = 	 {2012},

  author = 	 {Desprez, Frédéric and Markomanolis, Georges and Suter, Frédéric},
  title = 	 "{Assessing the Performance of MPI Applications Through Time-Independent Trace Replay}",
  booktitle = {Second International Workshop on Parallel Software Tools and Tool Infrastructures (PTSI)},
  year = 	 2011}

  author = 	 {Caron, Eddy and Depardon, Benjamin and Desprez, Frédéric},
  title = 	 "{Multiple Services Throughput Optimization in a Hierarchical Middleware}",
  booktitle = {11th International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID)},
  year = 	 2011,
  address = 	 {Newport Beach, CA, USA},
  month = 	 MAY,
  publisher = {IEEE/ACM}}

  address	= {Indianapolis, Indiana, USA},
  author	= {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Muresan,
  booktitle	= {IEEE CloudCom 2010},
  keywords	= {Cloud Computing, SPADES},
  month		= {Nov},
  publisher	= {IEEE},
  series	= {456-463},
  title		= {Forecasting for Grid and Cloud Computing On-Demand
		  Resources Based on Pattern Matching},
  year		= {2010}

 Address = {Heraklion, Crete, Greece},
 Author = {Caniou, Yves and Charrier, Ghislain and Desprez,
 Booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing 2010
	(Cluster 2010)},
 Month = {September 20-24},
 Pages = {284--291},
 Title = {{Analysis of Tasks Reallocation in a Dedicated Grid
 Year = {2010}

	Address = {San Diego, CA},
	Author = {Caron, Eddy and Depardon, Benjamin and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric},
	Booktitle = {ICPP 2010, 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing},
	Date-Added = {2010-05-26 09:45:32 +0200},
	Date-Modified = {2010-09-13 20:21:16 +0200},
	Month = {September 13-16},
	Pages = {375-384},
	Title = {Modelization and Performance Evaluation of the DIET Middleware},
	Year = {2010}

booktitle={Euro-Par 2010 - Parallel Processing},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
editor={D'Ambra, Pasqua and Guarracino, Mario and Talia, Domenico},
title="{Deployment of a Hierarchical Middleware}",
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
keywords={Hierarchical middleware; Deployment; Modelization},
author={Caron, Eddy and Depardon, Benjamin and Desprez, Frédéric},
abstract = {Thanks to the availability of Grids and their middleware, a seamless access to computation and storage resource is provided to application developers and scientists. The D{\'e}crypthon project is one example of such high performance platform. In this paper, we present the architecture of the platform, the middleware developed to ease the access to several servers deployed over France and an example of an application taking advantage of its capacity.},
address = {Paris, France},
author = {Bard, Nicolas and Bolze, Rapha{\"e}l and Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Heymann, Micha{\"e}l and Friedrich, Anne and Moulinier, Luc and Nguyen, Ngoc-Hoan and Poch, Olivier and Toursel, Thierry},
booktitle = {The 8th HealthGrid conference},
keywords = {DIET, D{\'e}crypthon},
month = {June},
title = "{Décrypthon Grid - Grid Resources Dedicated to Neuromuscular Disorders}",
year = {2010} 

  author = 	 {Desprez, F. and Suter, F.},
  title = 	 "{A Bi-Criteria Algorithm for Scheduling Parallel Task Graphs on Clusters}",
  booktitle = {The 10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID)},
  year = 	 2010,
  address = 	 {Melbourne, Aus},
  month = 	 {May},
  publisher = {IEEE/ACM}

  author = 	 {Casanova, H. and Desprez, F. and Suter, F.},
  title = 	 "{Minimizing Stretch and Makespan of Multiple Parallel Task Graphs via Malleable Allocations}",
  booktitle = {39th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP)},
  year = 	 2010,
  address = 	 {San Diego, CA}}

  author = 	 {Montagnat, J. and Glatard, T. and Reimert, D. and Maheshwari, K. and Caron, E. and Desprez, F.},
  title = 	 "{Workflow-based comparison of Distributed Computing Infrastructures}",
  booktitle = {5th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS)},
  pages = 	 {1-10},
  year = 	 2010,
  note = 	 {In conjunction with SC'2010}}

  author = 	 {Bard, N. and Bertis, V. and Bolze, R. and Desprez, F.},
  title = 	 {Desktop Grid Computing, Cerin, C., Feday, G. Eds},
  chapter = 	 "{A Volunteer Computing Platform Experience for Neuromuscular Diseases Problems}",
  publisher = 	 {Chapman & Hall/CRC},
  year = 	 2012,
  series = 	 {Chapman & Hall/CRC Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation Series},
  month = 	 MAY,
  pages = 	 {125-146},
  annote =	 {ISBN-10: 1439862141 ISBN-13: 978-1439862148}

 author = {Danelutto, Marco and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Getov, Vladimir and Ziegler, Wolfgang},
 title = {CoreGRID/ERCIM workshop on grids, clouds and p2p computing --- CGWS2011},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Parallel Processing},
 series = {Euro-Par'11},
 year = {2012},
 isbn = {978-3-642-29736-6},
 location = {Bordeaux, France},
 pages = {113--114},
 numpages = {2},
 url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-29737-3_13},
 doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-29737-3_13},
 acmid = {2238371},
 publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
 address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},

	Author = {Caron, Eddy and Desprez, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Rodero-Merino, Luis and Muresan, Adrian},
	Booktitle = {Cloud Computing: Methodology, Systems, and Applications},
	Chapter = {14},
	Editor = {Wang/Ranjan/Benatallah},
	Keywords = {Cloud},
	Publisher = {Taylor and Francis Group, LLC},
	Read = {Oui},
	Title = {Auto-scaling, load balancing and monitoring in commercial and open-source clouds},
	Year = {2011}}

    HAL_ID = {inria-00484902},
    URL = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00484902/en/},
    title = { {P}arallel {C}omputing: {F}rom {M}ulticores and {GPU}'s to {P}etascale. {P}roceedings of {P}ar{CO} 2009},
    author = {{C}hapman, {B}arbara and {D}esprez, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {J}oubert, {G}erhard and {L}ichnewsky, {A}lain and {P}eters, {F}rans and {P}riol, {T}hierry},
    abstract = {{T}his book series publishes research and development results on all aspects of parallel computing. {T}opics may include one or more of the following: high-speed computing architectures ({G}rids, clusters, {S}ervice {O}riented {A}rchitectures, etc.), network technology, performance measurement, system software, middleware, algorithm design, development tools, software engineering, services and applications.},
    keywords = {parallel computing;gpu;petaflop;multicore},
    language = {{A}nglais},
    affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {LIP} - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {\'E}cole normale sup{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon - {GRAAL} - {INRIA} {R}h{\^o}ne-{A}lpes / {LIP} {L}aboratoire de l'{I}nformatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {CNRS} : {UMR}5668 - {INRIA} - {\'E}cole normale sup{\'e}rieure de {L}yon - {ENS} {L}yon - {U}niversit{\'e} {C}laude {B}ernard - {L}yon {I} - {L}aboratoire d'informatique du {P}arall{\'e}lisme - {MYRIADS} - {INRIA} - {IRISA} - {INRIA} - {U}niversit{\'e} de {R}ennes {I} - {I}nstitut {N}ational des {S}ciences {A}ppliqu{\'e}es de {R}ennes },
    publisher = {{IOS} {P}ress },
    pages = {739 },
    volume = {19 },
    editor = {{B}arbara {C}hapman and {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric {D}esprez and {G}erhard {R}. {J}oubert and {A}lain {L}ichnewsky and {F}rans {P}eters and {T}hierry {P}riol },
    series = {{A}dvances in {P}arallel {C}omputing },
    isbn = {978-1-60750-529-7 },
    year = {2010},